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XXV Compasso d’Oro ADI

Lamberti is looking forward to receiving the results of the award ceremony for the XXV Compasso d’Oro!
Among the 283 products (including FAVO) submitted to the international jury, 16 will receive the Compasso d’Oro award and 56 will receive a Mention of Honor. On June the 20th 2018 also Lamberti Design will be in Milan for the award ceremony. The awards will go to the designers and producers of the pre-selected items published in the two past annuals ADI Index 2016 and 2017.

The participating products, including FAVO, will be on display at the Rocchetta courtyard in Sforzesco’s Castle until June the 26th. The XXV edition of the Compasso d’Oro ADI is part of European Year of Cultural Heritage program and is sponsored by the Lombardy Region, the City of Milan, and Confindustria Lombardia.